Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blog Post 1

Did you find any of these statistics surprising? Why or why not?

I did not find the statistics that surprising. On certain sites like Pinterest, it is pretty well known that the majority of users are women. Plus the fact that the most people used social networking sites in urban areas was not surprising. I could think of a few reasons why, such as they have a better connection or access to the internet and they are surrounded by advertisements for numerous websites. The people in the age range of 18-29 used social networking sites 83% whereas people ages 65 and older only used it 32%. The younger age group was raised with this technology and older generations have a harder time adjusting to the constant changes of it.

List what you find to be the three most interesting facts you learned from these reports

They claimed that Facebook users are more trusting than others. I felt that was interesting because people often post things that have been embellished or outright false. People on Facebook tend to post before they think, personally there have been times when someone posts something and it definitely makes me doubt their character.  Seven in ten seniors own a cell phone. I was surprised by this; I thought it would be considerably lower. It seems to have gone up slowly these past few years.  Another interesting fact I read was that the average user of social networking sites is half as likely to be socially isolated as the average American. This seemed odd to me because using the computer to me has typically been seen as a solo activity. I suppose that you may be able to communicate with others more however physically you can’t. I like the ability that it gives us to communicate but not the lack of actual contact and the level of laziness it allows.

Describe how you’ve seen differences by age in your family in how they use social media—for example, your parents’or grandparents versus you or younger siblings

My parents are technology deficient. But that makes sense because they were not brought up with it as rampant as I was. My sister and I are easily able to adapt to new changes throughout social media. My mother recently got a Facebook however she still believes that we shouldn’t show any personal details, like having a profile picture of ourselves, because someone could track us down or even kidnap us. My sister and I think this is ridiculous because the purpose of sites like Facebook is to show some personal details, assuming you are safe and smart about who you talk to. Clearly for my mother it will take some time to adapt to these sites; I still have to explain that you can get email from any computer, not just our home computer.  My father on the other hand, even though he works on a computer all day, refuses to get a Facebook. He claims that if anyone wants to get in contact with him, all they have to do is look in the yellow pages. It is very easy to see the differences in opinions about social networking sites in my family.

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